今年9月23日,為慶祝孔子學院日📈,芝加哥孔子學院在位於芝加哥市中心的惠特尼·揚中學舉辦了第四屆芝加哥中國文化節🫙。活動當天,600 多位觀眾觀看了由江蘇演藝集團為大家帶來的為時一個半小時的大型綜合文藝演出。同時,20多家與中國文化和教育有關的機構受邀前來展示並向來賓提供各類中國文化活動 – 中醫🏎、針灸✮🙆🏿、書法🧉、繪畫😕、民樂👌🏻、民族服裝🥷、剪紙、風箏、武術、圍棋、中文小課堂等,百花齊放、應有盡有🙍🏼♀️。2,000多人積極參與並贏取各種帶有中國元素的獎品。前來參加活動的芝加哥民眾認為中國文化節是芝加哥最具規模✒️、最有趣的中國文化活動。芝加哥中國領事館洪磊總領事、教育參贊陳盈輝、惠特尼·揚中學校長喬艾絲·凱納、芝加哥公立學區語言文化辦公室主任爾厄耐斯多·馬蒂亞斯以及外語部主任法碧歐拉·金斯基應邀出席了活動並在開幕式上講話🧎🏻♀️。新華社以及芝加哥的一些地方電視臺和報紙分別對該活動進行了報道。
CHICAGO, Sept. 23 (Xinhua) -- Hundreds of students from Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and their parents gathered at Whitney Young Magnet High School in Chicago Saturday to have a taste of traditional Chinese culture at the annual Chinese Cultural Festival.
Along the hallway of Whitney Young, students and their families learned Chinese calligraphy, paper-cutting, kite-making and Wei Qi, and tried to use chopsticks at more than 20 exhibitors that presented Chinese culture-related activities.
Jiangsu Provincial Performing Arts Troupe from China presented a 90-minute performance in the auditorium of the school. Two men propped up a lion costume and presented to the audience Chinese traditional lion dance, they jumped up and down and did some acrobatics on two benches under the lion costume, drawing waves of applauses.
Chinese artists also performed traditional Chinese folk dance, songs, and Chinese acrobatics.
This is the fourth year for the Confucius Institute in Chicago (CIC) and the CPS to host the event.
"Our Chinese Cultural Festival in the past three years was a great success, with more than 2,000 attendees from CPS and the general public," said Jane Lu, Director of CIC. "We want to share the fun and celebrate Chinese culture again this year."
Hong Lei, Chinese Consul General in Chicago, told Xinhua that Chinese Cultural Festival is a platform to promote Chinses culture as well as to review the achievements of Chinese Teaching in Chicago.
With China and the U.S. being two largest economies in the world, it's very important for the youngsters of the two countries to know each other, to understand each other's culture so "we can appreciate each other and be friends, and forge an even stronger relationship," he added.
Being the third largest school district in the U.S., CPS runs one of the most successful Chinese language programs in the country, with approximately 11,000 students learning Chinese in 42 schools from 58 teachers.
Emily Kurylak, a 14-year-old student at Whitney Young, has been studying Chinese for four years. She told Xinhua she wanted to learn Chinese so that she can talk with her mom and grandparents in their native language. "It's getting hard sometimes, but once you get over the boundary it's easier," said Kurylak.
"As a Chinese language teacher, I'm here not only to teach them language itself, but also help younger generation to know more about Chinese culture and traditional Chinese education philosophy," said Lusha Yin, who has been teaching Chinese at Whitney Young for 12 years.