

當地時間1月27日,由芝加哥孔子學院主辦🤸🏼‍♂️,北京人大附中學生藝術團參演的2017年新春匯演在沃特佩頓演奏廳(Walter Payton’s Recital Hall)成功舉行🏈,來自芝加哥公立學區八所學校的1000名學生參與其中🍤🥷。中國駐芝加哥領館總領事洪磊、佩頓校長Timothy Devine及芝加哥孔子學院院長楊靜悅(Jane Lu)出席活動並致辭🧓。








CPS Chinese New Year Celebration with RDFZ Student

  performing Art Troupe from Beijing                                  

CIC (Confucius Institute in Chicago) hosted the Chinese New Year celebration with well received performance by RDFZ Student Performing Art Troupe from Beijing, China on Jan 27 at Walter Payton’s Recital Hall. Around 1,000 students from eight CPS schools attended the event. 
RDFZ, the High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China, is one of the most prestigious high schools in China and its student performing art troupe is a highly acclaimed, award winning troupe. They came to CPS four years in a row and had performed at Walter Payton, Whitney Young and Westinghouse respectively in the past three years. 
This year, they brought with them a variety of performances, from chamber music, dance, to martial arts. Their talented and high caliber performances received enthusiastic applauses from the CPS students.
Hong Lei, Consul General, and Liu Jun, Deputy Consul General of the Chinese Consulate-General of PRC in Chicago, Counselor  Zhang Min, Consul Ou Shengming and Consul Liu attended the event. Timothy Devine, the Payton Principal, made welcome remarks. Jane Lu and Hong Lei also delivered speeches.
The key message, besides wishing everyone a happy Chinese New Year—the Year of the Rooster, is to encourage the cultural exchange between students in China and the U.S. and through such activities, enhance the understanding and friendship among the students, and consequently, among the peoples of the two countries.
CIC plays an important role in organizing events like this and providing opportunities for students from both countries to interact, make friends, and learn from one another about their respective language and culture.
The CPS students, their parents and teachers who attended the performance were all amazed by its high quality and walked away not only entertained but inspired.

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